Flush Game Instructions
Flush Game Instructions Rating: 5,5/10 2257 votes
Download this game from Microsoft Store for Windows 10 Mobile, Windows Phone 8.1, Windows Phone 8. See screenshots, read the latest customer reviews, and compare ratings for Flush. The game makes a great birthday gift for kids 4 and up, or a silly game to play and pass at parties, playdates, and sleepovers, or when kids could use a game to keep them entertained! ' Includes toilet base with 2 toilet paper roll spinners, toilet tank, 2 toilet lids, and instructions.

Take all of your cards and shuffle. Feel free to shuffle multiple packs together for a variety of cards in one game!
Set the shuffled deck down in the middle of your group face down.
Set the shuffled deck down in the middle of your group face down.
Everyone take turns drawing a card from the deck and reading the prompt out loud. Different game modes have different ways to play - explanation of those are below.
Depending on the prompt, the cards will tell you to take sips, shots, or even choose other people to drink. Enjoy ;)


Whoever picks this card up reads it out loud to the group. They apply to EVERYONE playing. If the statement is true for you, drink up!
The card tells you what the category is. Whoever drew the card starts by saying something that falls under that category. Go in turns around the group. No repeats, no hesitations... or else.
Everyone tell whatever story the card tells you to. If you refuse, you have to drink. Whoever tells the BEST story gets to make other players drink.
Read the card out loud. On the count of three (no cheating!) point to whoever you think fits the prompt best. Most voted has to drink.
Some people ask... how do you get an AZN FLUSH? Well, by AZN FLUSH we mean asian flush or asian glow. It's when you get red from drinking too much.
Read the card out loud to the group. Call one option #1, the other option #2. On the count of 3 (no cheating!) everyone raises 1 or 2 fingers to show their vote. The 'losers' have to drink.
Try to answer the question on the card correctly. Get it right and you could make others drink. Get it wrong and you might have to drink.
Whoever reads this card has to complete the dare on the card. If you refuse? Surprise! You have to drink.
Unlike story time, this card only applies to the reader. You have to answer the question truthfully, or else you have drink.
Take all of your cards and shuffle. Feel free to shuffle multiple packs together for a variety of cards in one game!
Set the shuffled deck down in the middle of your group face down.
Set the shuffled deck down in the middle of your group face down.
Everyone take turns drawing a card from the deck and reading the prompt out loud. Different game modes have different ways to play - explanation of those are below.
Depending on the prompt, the cards will tell you to take sips, shots, or even choose other people to drink. Enjoy ;)
Whoever picks this card up reads it out loud to the group. They apply to EVERYONE playing. If the statement is true for you, drink up!
Flush Game Instructions Play

The card tells you what the category is. Whoever drew the card starts by saying something that falls under that category. Go in turns around the group. No repeats, no hesitations... or else.
Everyone tell whatever story the card tells you to. If you refuse, you have to drink. Whoever tells the BEST story gets to make other players drink.
Read the card out loud. On the count of three (no cheating!) point to whoever you think fits the prompt best. Most voted has to drink.
Some people ask... how do you get an AZN FLUSH? Well, by AZN FLUSH we mean asian flush or asian glow. It's when you get red from drinking too much.
Flush Game Instructions Download
Read the card out loud to the group. Call one option #1, the other option #2. On the count of 3 (no cheating!) everyone raises 1 or 2 fingers to show their vote. The 'losers' have to drink.