Eui Eu
Eui Eu Rating: 9,2/10 1190 votes
Combining a focus on competition law and economics, The Florence Competition Programme is a hub where European and international competition enforcers and other stakeholders can exchange ideas, share best-practices, debate emerging policy issues and enhance their networks. The project is directed by Professor Pier Luigi Parcu who is supported by a research team and a scientific committee of well known experts. By linking training, policydebate and research activity together with the presence and inputs of a varied community of scholars and practitioners, it creates a common cultural space where major scientific projects can be carried out.
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Eui Eui Ltd
European University Institute, Firenze, Italy. The EUI is an international postgraduate teaching and research institute in the social sciences in Florence, Italy. If you want to apply for a researcher post, please use Note that your account will automatically be deleted some time after the deadline of your application(s), in line with our data protection policy. The Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF), established in 2011, aims to develop innovative and relevant lines of research on media freedom and pluralism in Europe and beyond and to provide knowledge support to the international, European and national policy and rulemaking processes.
ENTraNCE for Judges
Since 2011 the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies has organised a training for national judges in competition law and economics, ENTraNCE for Judges. The training programme is co-funded by DG Competition of the European Commission.